The main safety function of the system is to automatically generate hazard warnings in the event of an accident. This signal is transmitted immediately to following competitors’ vehicles and race controllers. Each in-vessel unit indicates a competing vehicle’s speed, severity of accident and location in reference to the designated course.
The RaceSafe H2O unit is installed in each competitive vehicle, and will transmit both automatic and manual warnings to fellow competitors in the case of an incident such as a broken-down boat ahead on the river. This data will also be sent in real time to the headquarters of the event, so that officials, paramedics and other competitors can instantly act against any hazard & SOS situation, significantly reducing reaction times to such events which in course significantly reduces the risk of injury or death.
The units are built with accelerometers, radio transceiver, GPS, GSM and satellite communications capabilities. The RaceSafe H2O device uses all of this latest technology to automatically transmit warnings and boat status data from unit to unit and to Race Control as quickly and efficiently as possible.
All data is transmitted via GSM or satellite to a web server, where it is visible to Race Control officials and the public in an intuitive, easy to use graphical interface. This provides race control with up-to-date knowledge of all their event boats and competitors, stage statuses, split times and stage times. Warning is also sent to any approaching boats to prevent any incidents from escalating while other vehicles are still racing.